
Wild Zero is a Japanese cult movie released in 2000. Directed by Tetsuro Takeuchi, the film features the real rock n’ roll band Guitar Wolf.


Guitar Wolf appears as themselves and encounters zombies, UFOs, and motorcycles in this revolutionary horror flick.


Wild Zero was filmed entirely in Thailand. The zombies that came to life in the movie were real Thai army soldiers and their families, who provided tremendous support to the production.


The producers intended for the movie to be released on video only, but Wild Zero ended up screening in movie theaters worldwide after grabbing global attention at the Toronto Film Festival in 2000.


The film’s resonant message crosses borders, and audiences from Tokyo to Toronto responded to the story and the powerful acting by average Thai citizens. Fans quickly propelled the movie to cult status. Among them, there are many famous directors, including Guillermo del Toro and Edgar Wright.


Even though it’s been 20 years since the movie first came out, it’s still running on the international film festival circuit. Many critics and social commentators continue to cite the film’s pioneering approach to horror, music and gender.


In 2018, Guitar Wolf was invited to Sitges Film Festival in Spain, and there the band announced plans to create Wild Zero 2, prompting director Tetsuro Takeuchi to create a pilot film.


Currently, Takeuchi and Guitar Wolf are working on gathering funding and corporate sponsorship for their sequel, as well as on finding a distributor.


Unidentified objects fly in the sky. On the ground, the Z virus spreads and zombies wander the landscape. The reluctant heroine is Kushinada, a rebellious orphan teenager who unknowingly carries the human-wolf hybrid blood she inherited form her ninja ancestors. The only clue to her lineage is the whistle she wears around her neck that her mother gave her, warning, “Use this when you’re in mortal danger,” before abandoning Kushinada as a child.


One day, Kushinada finds out after a blood test that she harbors special, immortal Z-blood. Her status leaks and sparks a fierce battle for her blood by gangs, scientists, investors and religious gurus all trying to exploit the treasure in her veins. Among them is Takeru, a clueless but honest guy who falls hard for her.


Finally, a secret organization captures Kushinada. When she is imprisoned, she remembers the whistle she inherited from her mother. She blows it.


The whistle's siren can’t be heard by ordinary humans, but it registers with the members of Guitar Wolf, who continue to roam a world where rock n’ roll has died.


Guitar Wolf races off on their signature Kawasaki motorcycles to rescue one of their own. After Takeru and Guitar Wolf set Kushinada free, she awakens to her destiny as the ninja queen of the human-wolf tribe. She comes to know true love and embraces her calling to save the world.


Her conviction will never waver. She will never betray her friends. Love transcends borders and gender.


Rock n’ Roll!!!!






Ace is a young man who loves rock n’ roll. He went to a Guitar Wolf show the day of a mysterious meteor shower and got tangled up in a fight between the band and the owner of the live house. Guitar Wolf hands him a whistle and tells him to blow it if he finds himself in trouble.


Outside of town, Ace meets a beautiful girl named Tobio. At the same time, something strange was happening in town. People started becoming zombies and attacking people one after another. Ace bravely goes to rescue Tobio when she gets targeted.


The two share a mutual attraction, but Tobio has a big secret. Ace is shocked when he discovers it. The couple faces a big crisis.


Ace remembers Guitar Wolf’s words: “Be sure to blow this when you’re in trouble.”


Ace blows the whistle and summons the invincible Guitar Wolf, who begins battling zombies, gangsters and even UFOs.


“Love knows no borders or genders,” Guitar Wolf screams. “DO IT!”


WILD ZERO1 shorted special edition


Guillermo del Toro 2001~

When I came to Japan I was desperately looking for Wild Zero in the video shop

Edgar Wright. 2019 (movie walker)

"Japan's legendary rock band Guitar Wolf fights zombies. You can not but love it?"

Rotten tomato

Tomato100% popcorn 80%


Andrea Subissati/Sociologist

Truthfully, the film still makes a lot more sense than the current presidential debate .


CINEPUNX. Justin Harlan  2016

 film Wild Zero, a film that is a fun action horror romp with a great soundtrack on its surface,

While this fun exterior alone is worth the price of admission, the film was and remains a subversive piece of art with an important message.

there’s also an important subplot that tells a vital lesson about the purity of love and the importance of opening one’s mind;


Birth.Movies.Death. DOMINIC GRIFFIN  2016

Wild Zero is a singular aberration in the world of cult cinema, The film doesn’t delve into specifics or use any social justice jargon to better explain things. Instead it presents an advancing horde of zombies and aliens, simply placing abstract concepts like “love” and “rock n’ roll” above all others.



Films depicting transgender issues include:

Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean; The World According to Garp; The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert;

All About My Mother and The Crying Game. The film Wild Zero features Kwancharu Shitichai,

 a transsexual Thai actor. When the main character is conflicted about falling in love with a "woman who is

also a man", Guitar Wolf tells him "Love knows no race, nationality or gender!"


Wild Zero Drinking game

Drinking Game for Japanese cult classic Wild Zero.

Drink every time:

Fire shoots out of something.

Somebody says "ROCK AND ROLL!"

Someone combs their hair.

Somebody drinks.

Something explodes.

A zombie's head pops.



“Wild Zero” has just about everything you could want in a Midnight Movie.


Lewis leathers London /Derek Harris

"There are very few leather-style R & R bands. As far as I know, only Guitar Wolf"


Derek Hall/Comparative political economist

I claim that two zombie movies in particular—Britain's 28 Days Later and Japan's Wild Zero—can be viewed as if they were allegories of two different national forms of capitalism that are integrated into, and affect, the global political economy in different ways. While 28 Days Later displays remarkable similarities to Marxist accounts of the origins and dynamics of capitalism in England, Wild Zero can be seen as an account of the post-1985 dynamics of the Japanese political economy and its engagement with Asia.



Takegei Company Limited